Cameras |
Cameras are the backbone of our store! We cater to all types and styles of photography. You can find any number of interesting used and new camera models here in the store any given day. Below is the stable of current new cameras we sell here in the store. These cameras are all sold as kits or in packages with lenses. We can outfit your camera any way you want, just stop in and see us!
Windsor Photo Outfitters prides itself on a varied and interesting selelction of studio accessories and gadgets. We sell everything from Gobos to Full-up Studio set-ups. Unlike some of our competitors we sell only quality Studio equipment. Seriously! Read on for a few hints in this regard.
Bags and Tripods |
Camera Bags are the the most cost effective way to store and protect your camera and optical investment. We hand pick all our bags with a discerning eye towards quality and durability. Below are a few of our favourites:
Accessories |
Like any good camera store, Windsor Photo Outfitters also carries all the gadgetry that accompanies photography. From adapter plates, to flash modifications to replacement camera straps. Come see us for the odds and ends you might need.